Sunday, October 30, 2005

Reviewing for this week's Trigonometry Exam

You have a trigonometry functions exam coming up this week on Thursday. Here are some useful websites to help you practice all of the things you have learned in this unit.

There are some self-check quizzes at this site. Select the section titled "Graphs of Trigonometric Functions".

I will be posting other useful websites in the coming days. If you find any, email me and I will post them for the whole class to use.

Happy studying!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

It's Been a Long Time Since I Blogged

For those of you who followed my blog last school year you may be wondering what happened to my blog. Well I have to say "Life happened!!!!". Last semester I taught 3 blocks of the day and had 1 block as a prep period. I was not coaching last semester either. I have found this semester with teaching 4 blocks and coaching cross country running 4 nights a week I have had little or no time to blog. I hope to change this.

It is interesting though. I really do want to blog and provide extra resources to my students. However, time is necessary to do this. I still have to prepare my daily lessons, mark homework and assignments and fit a few minutes in with my wife and kids.

It would sure nice to have a prep period every semester. That 80 minutes a day makes it possible to keep up with my teaching duties and still blog. Ah, if only dream worlds did exist!!

I definitely have to figure out how to juggle all of the balls in life and still blog.