Friday, April 29, 2005

Linear Inequalities

We learned how to graph linear inequalities by hand and using our graphing calculator. Here is a gizmo to help you test yourself on whether or not you understand this concept. There is a second gizmo that you may like better.

I have a blogging prompt for you also. I would like you to answer this prompt by commenting here at the blog.

Blogging Prompt:
We have been using the mini-white boards for a couple of weeks now. Do you like using them? Are they helping you to learn? What ways to you think we could be using them better or differently?

Have a great weekend!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey mr kaminski... just checking this out to get my extra mark for the test tomorrow, : )


Anonymous said...

hey mr k have a fun weekend! this test wont be that bad, the whiteboards helped us a lot this unit. we will miss u today!